Aircraft noise consultation was a sham
Your editorial (Star Thursday 29th October) about the noise of aeroplanes over the tranquil fields and hills of Shropshire reminded me about the disgraceful sham consultation that was undertaken on this matter three years ago. As I recall, every local group, including the councils concerned, were opposed to the proposals to allow more flights, and lower flights over Shropshire. The changes went ahead regardless.
It seems that once again the government has decided on what it wants to do and ignores other views and evidence. The claim that tranquillity is subjective and therefore cannot be determined is a shameful excuse for ignoring the issue. The Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England has a well-developed tool for defining tranquillity, and most dictionary definitions include reference to the absence of noise and absence of disturbance. Does the Department of Transport think it is impossible to measure noise?
What we are seeing here is yet another central government, urban view of the world that ignores the interests of those of us who choose not to live in a big city.
Dr Charles West
Parliamentary Candidate: Shrewsbury and Atcham Liberal Democrats
3 Bellstone
tel:   07775 800744