Shrewsbury Health Hub decision must be made in public
A recent announcement of closed-doors decision on ‘ten secret sites’ for Shrewsbury health hubs is a kick in the teeth for residents, say health campaigners.
After over a year of back-and-forth, NHS England have today announced a pause on plans for a GP superhub in Shrewsbury.
Health campaigners and local councillors have hailed this decision as great news, which will put to bed the idea of closing six GP surgeries across town for the move.
The six surgeries and 40,000 patients involved in a full move to the hub would have included those at The Beeches Medical Practice, Belvidere Medical Practice, Claremont Bank Surgery, Marden Medical Practice, Marysville Medical Practice and South Hermitage Surgery.
Local councillor and health campaigner Alex Wagner said: “The pausing of the GP superhub project is nothing short of fantastic news for local people. For those who would be unable to access health provision in the event of a hub, the news will also come as a huge sigh of relief.
Shrewsbury residents have made themselves very clear, with over 3,000 signing our petition and hundreds attending demonstrations and public meetings. I’ve never had feedback on the doorstep about an issue that is so clear - people want decent access to local health services, and they are right to.
I’m very glad that NHS England seem to agree with me that this expensive project is simplynot worth persevering with against such a strong local backlash.”