Shrewsbury Lib Dem councillors welcome 'bold and innovative' Movement Strategy proposals
Shrewsbury's Liberal Democrat councillors have welcomed proposals to create a Movement & Public Realm Strategy for the town. They have also called for the Park and Ride service to be made free as part of plans, helping reduce traffic and congestion in the town centre and the improving fairness of the scheme.
The papers will be debated by Shropshire Council's Cabinet at next Wednesday's meeting.
Councillor Alex Wagner said:
"There is an enormous amount of potential in Shrewsbury constrained by the traffic and fumes that clog up our medieval streets. The plans published today to deal with that problem are bold and innovative, and have been put together through years of conversations with residents and businesses.
Keeping the loop as it is just isn't an option given the amount of development in the county. We have to grasp the thistle here and take advantage of a rare opportunity to create a better, more attractive, and more economically vibrant town centre. One thing I would love to see is progress on plans to improve the Park and Ride service, which I hope Shropshire Council considers making free of charge, to get residents into town and keep congestion out of the loop."